


1年半前に死にそうで私の車に言づけと一緒に置き去りにされ、我が家に里子に出されたクリスマス  カクタス (和名シャコサボテン)2鉢。リハビリを施し実家に戻してあげましたが、見事な蘇生ぶり。


Ninja & Us Help Hot Line の我が家は、動物や植物の駆け込みが偶にあります。


死んだらこのバケツの砂に葬ってくれと託してハワイへ10日間の旅に出かけた女友。飼っていたインコが老衰で 1羽2羽と仆れ、最後に残った一羽。亡くなるかもしれないを予期してのバケツ満杯の砂である。

このインコ、爺さんなのか婆さんなのかは知らないが、頭はハゲて尻尾の羽は数枚しか残っておらず、何となく 自分 の末路を見ているようで侘しい無口の小鳥さん。よしそれでは、会話をしようと日本語で話しかける。 そして吹けない口笛を一生懸命練習して、小鳥の鳴き声を真似る。


”出かけまーす。” ”今帰ったよ。”と話し かける とピイーと応答する。そのうち、我が家に複数の訪問者があり賑やかになると、我々の会話に口を 挟むようになった。


Two Christmas cacti and one parakeet      Dec. 17, 2020

A year and a half ago, two dying potted Christmas cacti, i.e., Shako-Saboten in Japanese, were left in my car.  I treated them with TLC and released them back to its owner.   How stunningly they revived now!

My place is a Run-In Temple of “Ninja & Us Help Hot Line” for persons who need  desperate help or assistance.  But animals or plants happen to be run-in recipients occasionally.

My female friend left for a ten-day trip to Hawaii leaving her parakeet with me asking to bury it in the sand bucket if it perishes while she was gone. Parakeets she had for many years passed away one by one from old age and this one was the last survivor.  A bucket full of sand meant an expected farewell to the heaven for this poor fellow.

Although I was not sure whether this bird was an oldie male or female, its head was bold and only a few tail feathers clinging to its buttocks. This shabby clammed-up bird was the implication of my life that will fade to fate in time.  “OK, ya need to cheer up.”  I began to chat with this fellow in Japanese.  I also practiced whistling to mimick a bird call.

I said “ Itte kimaasu” when I went out or “Tadaima” when I got home.  It began responding back to me “ P i-i-i -----”  Then when I had a few guests at my place and words reciprocate among us it would get into our conversation.  

To my friend’s surprise her bird clang on its lifeline until she came back.

So, you expect the bird be happy being home, but to date HE has been in a pouting mood since he came home, so says my friend. (LOL)

Toshiko Uchino


半カップのコーヒー, A Half Cup of Coffee  2020/08/19



半カップのコーヒー                                                                                 2020年夏 内野敏子



私たち二人が隔週末、シニアアワーに出かける場所はStew Leonard’s である。どの売り場で何を買うかは殆ど標準作業手順書の段取りの様に決まっていて、最終工程のキャッシャーで支払いを終えて直行するのはコーヒー売り場である。つい最近までは、レジの支払額が百ドルを越えるとコーヒー一杯がタダでもらえた。そしてそれを半カップずつに分けてもらった。今は、二ドルなにがしかで買って、二人で分ける。それが我々にとって多くもなく少なくもない適量だからである。そして、コロナの為に駐車している車の中で飲む。




A Half Cup of Coffee                                                                      Toshiko Uchino Summer 2020


 I have two female friends who are so-called “Around Nineties”. One is Aiko-san (tentative name) who became 90 years old in February this year and the other is Suzie (tentatively) who is 93. Today I would like to talk about Suzie and me.

She gets up early in the morning.  And I who know it call her at dawn as my biweekly routine although we may postpone this call each other occasionally due to our other errands.
She always responds“ Yup”in high spirit on the phone. At her age she may be facing some health problems such as arthritis and/or acid reflux etc. but the tone of her voice is always cheerful.

The place where we go during Senior Hours is Stew Leonard’s super market.  We know what to buy at what section just like each step of our standard procedure there. After the last step which is paying is done at the cashier, the place we go straight is the coffee stand.
We used to get a free coffee when we spent more than $100.  We asked it to divide into two cups. Nowadays we spend $2.00 something and ask to make two half cups as it is perfect volume for us. And we chat and sip our coffee looking up the blue sky in the cool midsummer morning through the front glass of my car due to Corona. This is our most happiest moment.
I would like to keep it with me as one of my precious memories to the end of my life.