Happy New Year! -謹賀新年            2021/01/08



新年は, Us & Japan Society にとっては、何かの始まりではなく、進行形です。現在というこの時を大切にして、2021年も皆んなで一緒に波涛を乗り越えて進んでいきましょう。心の命ずるままに活動すれば、必ず一条の明るい光が見えて来る筈です。

Us & Japan Society of CT の友達の皆様、そして今日まで本協会のイベントや活動をコロナ禍の最中でさえも熱心に支援してきて下さった方々、あなた方は私達にとってかけがえのない原動力です。


Happy New Year!

Us & Japan Society of CT会員一同

We rode an unpredictable ride in 2020 through the Covid-19, protests and natural disasters such as forest fires, droughts and guerrilla rainstorms etc. worldwide that made us re-evaluate our life.

Some of our activities were postponed, but we have never been discouraged nor ceased our activities.  Our new year is not a beginning but a going on.

Let's embrace the present and have a continuous ride together to the year 2021. There is always a bright light we may find when we have an open mind to follow the voice of our heart.

Thank you all.  You have been our great friends and indispensable supporters of our activities.

A Happy New Year!

All of us  from Us & Japan Society of CT

Uconn Health periodical Article       2020/12/17


UJSC が寄付しましたクリスマスツリーがUConn Health の定期刊行誌「THE PULSE 」Dec. 3 Issueの “ピック  オブ  ザ  ウイーク” に掲載されました。記事を添付しますのでご一読ください。

Christmas Tree Us & Japan Society of CT donated was written on UConn Health’ s periodical「THE PULSE」Dec. 3 issue as PIC OF THE WEEK.   I have attached an article below for you to read.




Bid on This Holiday Tree to Support the Auxiliary


Have you seen this tree by the gift shop? It's a gift to the UConn Health Auxiliary from the U.S. & Japan Society of Connecticut, with this message:
"This tree is to honor doctors, nurses and other medical personnel but also all of those who work at the medical facility as housekeepers and janitors etc. during this difficult time. In order to express our appreciation from the bottom of our hearts we paper-folded blue hearts and white doves, the latter of which is the symbol of peace and accord. They are hung among blue hearts. Four doves will be placed at the crown of the tree carrying a message 'Thank you' to all mentioned above." The Auxiliary is offering the holiday tree as a silent auction item. As of press time the high bid is $125. Please submit your bid(s), in $25 increments, to giftshop@uchc.edu no later than Dec. 9. And we'd like to thank society volunteers Ako Long, Steve Long, Keiko Shida, and Miwa Grimmer-Solem, plus (pictured)
Makiko Taylor, Toshiko Uchino (president), and Misawa Carter.

UConn Health大学病院のクリスマス ツリー飾り付け無事終了!          2020/11/21


11月17日3密を避ける為、クリスマス ツリーの取付け人数が3人に制限され、午後5時に入構が許可され、学術ビルの1会議室を飾り付け作業場に当てて下さいました。


折り姫軍団と1白虎の一人一人の参加の意義の集大成が、大学病院のホールの中央キルトの壁飾りの前方に設置され、医療関係者への感謝を表敬して輝いています。昨夜忘れたツリーの冠の白鳩4羽を今朝、届けに行きましたら、受付の女性二人に、“あのハートのクリスマスツリーですよね?”と尋ねられ、その後はもう、“ビューティフル”の連発でした。 宣誓!来年も又チーム一丸となって頑張る事を誓います。

Installation of Christmas Tree at UConn Health Children’s Hospital Completed. 2020/11/21

As a part of Covid-19 preventive measures, UConn Health refused all tangible gifts from any individual or organization except our organization.   At 5 PM on November 17th, three of us, although it was originally Team of 6, were allowed to enter the building.  It was this day and time due to the imposed 3C’s restriction .   We were guided to one of conference rooms through Academic Entrance to use it as our set-up room.  To date we went through many twists and turns, but all is good that ended well!

While a Christmas tree that was our expression to convey our appreciation to all medical personnel was spotlighted and glittering in front of a framed quilted tapestry as an admired gift to UConn Health at the center of the great hall, I took 4-dove tree top decoration this morning as I forgot to take last night.  Two young ladies asked me at the reception desk,  “Is it for that Christmas tree with blue hearts? ”   Then they were ecstatically repeating, “It’s soooo B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.”……..

We hereby pledge that we, as one united team, shall continue to improve our artistry for next year.


We Cleaned Our Park and Street!         Nov. 7, 2020 ( Saturday)

The weather was perfect and Hampton Inn offered us the free parking.  Furthermore, what I liked about was we looked like gardeners and clean-up crew of  LCOPS (Let’s Clean Our Parks & Streets) Garden Center Incorporated.

One brought a leafblower, shears and pruning scissors by other persons, and some had rakes and blooms etc.etc……  When we finished for the day we were perspiring, dusty and exhausted, but it was agood kind of exhaustion.

公園と通りのガーデニングと清掃をしました!         11/7/20 (土曜日)

絶好の清掃とガーデニング日和でした。それに何が良かったかと言いますと、我々全員が、恰もLCOPS(Let’s Clean Our Parks & Streets)ガーデンセンター株式会社の庭師と清掃スタッフのように見えた事です。





This Year’s Christmas Tree                              2020/11/01

This time of the year, we are normally busy catching up with last moment to-do things in order to deliver our Christmas tree in early November to Wadsworth Atheneum Museum for “Festival of Trees & Traditions.”  However, it was excluded from the event calendar this year perhaps to avoid Three C’s due to Corona pandemic.

Christmas decorations we make sometimes take about six months. We proceeded to make a Christmas tree anyway despite a possible event cancellation.  Therefore we also prepared a plan B to be able to adapt an alternative design since no one can predict if the situation will return to normal.

This year will be the first year we will be donating a Christmas tree to UConn Health’s Children’s Hospital. We have agreed to do this every year and the items paper-folded to decorate the tree will be auctioned off or given to children in the hospital or upon discharge after the tree is disassembled. The hospital is so excited about our smart way of contribution approach.

This tree is to honor doctors, nurses and other medical personnel but also all of those who work at the medical facility as housekeepers and janitors etc. during this difficult time. In order to express our appreciation from the bottom of our heart we paper-folded blue hearts and white doves the latter of which is the symbol of peace and accord. They are hung among blue hearts. Four doves will be placed at the crown of the tree carrying a message “Thank you” to all mentioned above.
A completed work piece will be reported to you again from the displayed site later.

One White tiger* & Paper Folding Princesses;
    Misawa Carter
    Kikuko Cayford
    Akiko Choi
    Ako Long
    Steve Long *
    Kazuko Moriyama
    Kiyoko Oda
    Ayako Roche
    Keiko Shida
    Miwa Grimmer-Solem
    Makiko Taylor
    Toshiko Uchino
    Sanae Yamamoto







今年、そして今年を契機に毎年、UConn  Health大学病院のチルドレンズ  ホスピタルにクリスマスツリーを寄贈し、オークションにかけるか、クリスマス以降にツリーをバラした折り紙の作品は、小児科の入院患者と退院していく子供達にあげるという事を提案しました。我々のこのイノべ—ティブなプランに病院側も大喜びです。

今年のツリーは、コロナウイルス禍の為に献身的に尽くして下さっている医師、看護師、その他の医療従事者、施設の清掃員等諸々の方々へ、心からの感謝を伝えるべく、青いハートと、平和と和合の象徴である白い鳩を点在させ、ツリーの冠には4羽の白バトが“ Thank you!”とバナーを咥えて我々のメッセージを伝えております。

   ミサワ  カーター
   キクコ  ケイフォード
   アキコ  チョイ
   アコ   ロング
   スティーブ  ロング*
   カズコ  モリヤマ
   キヨコ  オダ
   アヤコ  ロッシュ
   ミワ  グリーマソレム
   マキ  コ  テイラー


BRIGHT NEWS TO TELL                      2020/05/29


Dear UJSC members and friends,
  We want to share with you great news that will cheer you up in the  midst of Coronavirus pandemic struggle.
  Mr. Gregory A. Boyko, our hardworking, dedicated Honorary Consul General of Japan in Connecticut has been awarded The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbons by the Japanese government.  This news was announced on April 29 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Mr. Boyko.
  When the quarantine is lifted we can organize a gathering along with our partners, other Japanese organizations and affiliated institutions to express our appreciation for his dedication representing us all in the local community.
  Toshiko Uchino
  Us & Japan Sodiety of CT
  Please visit our Facebook, also.
  今日は、コロナウイルス パンデミック戦況の真っ只中に、明るいニュースを皆様方と分かち合えたらと思って掲載致しました。
  Us & Japan Society of CT
  UJSC のフェイスブックにもお立ち寄り下さい。




Mr. Gregory A. Boyko, our hardworking, dedicated Honorary Consul General of Japan in Connecticut



 長い間ご無沙汰致しました。                                      2020/05/26
  Covid-19 発生以降、シネマ  トウナイト, 夜咄茶事、聖ジョゼフ大学の田嶋宏行回顧展、日本から出雲松蝶師範を迎えての日舞披露と桜植樹イベント、6月の片岡聡先生御一行を再び迎えての茶事、今秋、イースト ハートフォード公立図書館で開催予定だった恒例のジャパンウイーク、そして、アフガニスタン人民の存続と再建に一生を捧げ、昨年凶弾にお斃れになった中村医師の偉業を仰ぐ回顧展と、今年の行事が全て延期されましたが、その反面、我々組織のもう一つの活動であるNinja & Us Help Hotline は、”ホレ ホレ あんたらの出番やで!” と背中を押して励ましている声に鼓舞されて、昼夜を問わず24時間体制で、暗躍しております。
  コロナウイルス パンデミック状況下で、失職された方、経済的に崖っぷちの方、身体的に行動範囲が制限された方と、精神的にも経済的にも極限の方々の最後の頼りの綱は我々でした。 こんな世情には、大変特異なお問い合わせもあります。”亡くなった知人を荼毘に付したが、位牌の落ち着く先に困っている。生前、日本に帰りたいと漏らしていたので、彼女の日本の親戚を探してくれ.……”と亡くなられた方のアメリカ人の知人から。 はい、およそ100箇所ほどの日本への国際電話の末、ボストンの日本領事館、JB Line を経由して、やっとその方の親類の方にたどり着きました。時勢が時勢故、親類の方と相談してご位牌を発送することも考慮しましたが、前例が無いと2社に断わられ、残り一社の搬送費が予想外の高額でしたので、コロナが収束して私が里帰りする際、手荷物として持って行く事で、親類の方に了解していただきました。安息の場所が出来て良かったね、Sさん!
  このNinja & Us を設立するにあたり、私共が指針として掲げたのは、日本人、日系人の人口の少ないグレーター ハートフォードを日本の小部落と見なし、ここに住む隣人同士が自身の家族の延長として互助する事でした。 少ない人材源故に日本人、日系人に焦点を絞ってはおりますが、メールや電話連絡を下さった全ての方々に、できる限りを尽くして支援していく所存です。 お困りの方、又はお困りの方をご存知の方は、どうぞ我々にご連絡下さい。

  Us & Japan Society of CT
  (860) 290-9414
  We have not reported about our activities for a long time.
  Since the outbreak of Covid-19, our planned activities for this year, such as Cinema Tonight, Candlelight Tea Ceremony, University of St. Joseph’s Tajima in Relief Exhibition, Japanese traditional dance by Mater Dancer Izumo ShowChow from Japan to celebrate the cherry tree planting event on Earth Day and June’s Tea Ceremony Event led by Mr. Satoshi Kataoka’s group from Japan to commemorate Tajima exhibition’s closing event and our annual event “JAPAN WEEK”  collaborated with East Hartford Public Library this fall, were all postponed indefinitely.  Furthermore, we regretfully report our planned Dr. Tetsu Nakamura’s panel display and documentary film showing event also cancelled this year.  He who devoted his life to save and improve the disease stricken and impoverished lives of Afghanis was gundowned last fall.
  On the other hand, one of our activities, “Ninja & Us Help Hot Line”  has been busy and we are on calls for 24- hour day and night as though we hear the commanding voice from our master who is pushing our back to encourage to go out to take actions ”Look look,  It’s your job.”
  During the Coronavirus pandemic quarantine we have been the last resort for a few people who have lost their job, are financially on the edge of the cliff, physically unable to do their errand and/or mentally and financially pushed to the limit to handle the hardship.  And as such a time, we had an unusual inquiry, also.  “ I had my Japanese friend cremated, but I am troubled where to take her ashes.   While she was alive she wished to return to her homeland.  Can you find her relatives in Japan?" , inquired by American friend of the deceased.    Yes, we have finally reached to the deceased’s relatives after approx. 100 calls in Japan which enrouted via Japanese Consulate General’s Office and JB Line in Boston. We explored an option to ship her ashes to Japan, but because of the declaration of a state of emergency on both countires two shipping service companies declined since they had no experience on such item and the shipping cost of the third company was pretty expensive, her relative and I agreed for me  to hand-carry her ashes when I visit my family in Japan.    Rest in peace, S-san.
  We are in motion with full throttle.  and because of this situation, we need your cooperation.  Please let other people know about our activities.
  When I found this line of activities my concept was to regard this Greater Hartford as a small Japanese village since Japanese or Japanese Americans are less populated and to help and support each other like one extended family. To date we do not have sufficient human resources to support all ethnic groups, so we focus on Japanese descendants, but whoever contacts us is cared for with as much support as we can provide.
  If anyone who needs a help or you know anyone who needs a help please let us know.
  Toshiko Uchino & Ninja members
  Us & Japan Society of CT








今年はとりわけお目出度い年でもあります。 干支の始まりの年であり、また、平成が令和に変わって第一回目の新年会でもありました。過去一年の行事を振り返り、随分色々な事を成し遂げることが出来たと、ご協力下さった企業と公共機関と個人と会員に心から感謝致します。そして皆様方の情熱にも脱帽です。




This year’s new year gathering was held at the first-floor ballroom of Riverpoint Building. Snowstorm warning was forecast for the day to start snowing from approx. 3 o’clock pm. The event started at 12:00pm but we decided to end at 3:00pm instead of 4:00pm.


This year is the year of the Mouse in Japanese Zodiac and the starting year of the new cycle year of twelve signs. Furthermore, this is our first new year gathering after the Imperial era changed to Reiwa in Japan.


Looking back at last year’s activities, we have accomplished so many things and we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the corporations, institutions such as universities, libraries s, libraries and museums, individuals and members that have been loyal partners with us.  I would like to take my hat off to those who were so passionate about supporting us.


We are already piled on a handful of events this year, although it is moving very smoothly.  We want to raise the bar of the quality of our activities through our three objectives to serve our community with uncompromising integrity.





Now that the autumn is in full swing and is a season for everyone’s mind to be occupied with the coming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.   I am delivering our New Year gathering news!

2020 is the year of the Mouse in Japanese Zodiac and the starting year of the new cycle year of twelve signs.

Furthermore, this is our first new year gathering after the imperial era changed to Reiwa. Therefore it is especially auspicios year for all of us.  Let’s share the celebration with and care about our family, friends and our neighbors, and pray for those who became victims of recent typhoons and Guerrilla rainstorms in Japan for the quick recovery from the devastation and sound health.


秋も深まり、感謝祭にクリスマスとみんなの心がそわそわしてくる季節になりました。皆様方に新年会のお知らせです。2020年は子年。 新しい十二支のサイクルがスタートする年です。そして令和最初の新年会でもあり殊更におめでたい年でもあります。 家族、お知り合い、隣人とまずは周囲の方々、そして台風や豪雨に見舞われた日本の被災者の方々の無病息災と被害からの早期の復旧を一緒にお参り致しましょう。


Dear UJSC members and friends,


Glastonbury International Club and Us & Japan Society of Connecticut will have our annual joint picnic on September 7.


Picnics are fun.  It is time to reconnect with friends and families, so please invite your friends, also.  

Time for laugher, story telling, jokes and games, and most of all eating all kinds of delicious food………..

What better way to rewind your day on nice autumn weekend!


Toshiko Uchino, Us & Japan Society of CT

Cionie Slangen,  Glastonbury International Club







【New Year Party 2019】

@Riverpoint on the CT "Ball Room"







(写真はこちらにあります。→『過去の活動』 また、Facebookにもたくさんの写真を掲載しております。『Facebookページ』



【Joint Autumn Picnic】




Glastonbury International Club


Us & Japan Society of Connecticut


Date & Time:

September 15 (Sat) 12:00pm -4:00pm


 (写真はスクロールダウンしていただくと見れます。 また、Facebookにもたくさんの写真を掲載しております。『Facebookページ』

Meet Japanese Ambassador and Consul General

Japanese Ambassador Shinsuke Sugiyama and Consul General in Boston Setsuo Ohmori were in Connecticut on February 12.  After they had a lunch with Connecticut governor, Hon. Japanese Consul General covering New England Gregory Boyko and World Affairs Council of CT arranged a small group to meet with them at Hartford Golf Club. Especially I have not met Consul General Ohmori yet since he was newly appointed last September, it was a good chance to greet him.
To my invitation I included Ms. Ann Sievers, director/curator of Art Museum at University of St. Joseph and Mrs. Sarah Morgan, director of East Hartford Public Library as we are accomplices in artistic and cultural endeavors often.  
We have Tajima in Relief with Ms Sievers this year and Mrs. Morgan with JAPAN WEEK every autumn.
I also want to mention that we plan a tour for Dr. Tetsu Nakamura’s memorial exhibition starting at JAPAN WEEK and World Affairs Council may be our collaborator as their philosophy is in line with our belief.
I will be meeting with Ms. Megan Torrey, CEO soon.
コネチカット州知事とのランチの後、ニューイングランド地区管轄の名誉総領事グレゴリー. ボイコ氏とワールド
アフェアーズ  カウンセル主催で両氏と談話する為の小グループでの懇親会が催されました。特に大森総領事とは、
聖ジョゼフ大学美術館のディレクターでキュレーターのアン  シーバー氏、そしてイーストハートフォード公共図書館
の館長サラ  モーガン氏を追加させていただきました。
今年は、シーバー氏とは田嶋インレリーフを、そしてモーガン氏とは毎年秋にJAPAN WEEK を協賛します,
そして JAPAN WEEK を起点に、移動中村哲回顧展を計画しており、その詳細を詰めていっております。
我々の信念と呼応する社訓を掲げるワールド  アフェアーズ  カウンセルを本件のコラボレーターとして、
近々、WAC代表のメーガン. トーレイ氏にお会いします。
Japan Society of Fairfield County, Japan Society of Greater Hartford, Ann Sievers, Sarah Morgan
and Us & Japan Society of Connecticut


グラストンベリー インターナショナル クラブとの合同ピクニック楽しく終了しました。9月7日(土)、朝3時半起床。荷物を車に積んでグラストンベリーのリバーフロントパーク & ボートハウスのパビリオンに到着した時は、真っ暗で、気温が華氏54度、風の冷却効果を考慮するともっと寒かったに相違ない。





I got up at 3:30am. I loaded tables and other miscellaneous stuff in my vehicle and drove to the Pavilion at River Front Park & Boat House in Glastonbury.

When I arrived it was pitch-dark and the temperature was 54 Fahrenheit. When the windchill factor was considered it must have been a lot colder. With glorious sunrise the day became a beautiful autumn day with no cloud in the sky and neither cold nor hot by noon.


I nitpicked last year’s dishes brought by attendees and requested this year’s attendees not to concentrate on carbohydrate such as pastas, cakes and cookies. 😁😁

What gourmet dishes lined up this year. Yes! This was one scene of early autumn day everyone enjoyed chatting.


【新年会/New Year's party】

おいでになれなくて残念。早く元気になって下さ〜い。興味深い方々とじっくり話ができて、知り合いになれて、今まで自分が出席したパーティの中で一番楽しい集いでした、とコメントをいただきました。 そしてこの日は、日本とアメリカ間の、海を隔てた愛を長年育みあって来られたスティーブさんとあこさんの結婚を祝福するサプライズ パーティも企画されておりました。






そして 皆さん、本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

Us & Japan Society of Connecticut 会員一同


Despite some twists and turns such as the change of place and an unfortunate sudden cancellation of Shakuhachi performance by Will-san due to his flu,

It turned out to be a great gathering.  We regret that Will-san could not only play bamboo flute but also he and his wife, Mako-sn could not attend.  

They were concerned about their spreading flu virus.  We missed you and hope your quick recovery.

Many commented that they had a very good conversation with and get to know very interesting people.

In addition, this party had an another function.  It was a surprise party for a newly wed, Steve and Ako-san who have been in love for many years

despite the oceans away, i.e., US and Japan.  


We are all nibbled our head by the Lion to pray for our good health for this year after Shishimai Lion Dancing to celebrate new year performed by Steve and Ako-san.


Steve and Ako-san,  Happy Wedding!


Happy New Year to our friends!


From all of Us

Us & Japan Society of Connecticut


Joint Autumn Picnic(2018.09.15) @RiverFrontCommunityCenter