聖ジョゼフ大学にて桜の木の植樹 (West Hartford, CT)    2020/10/23


今年4月、聖ジョセフ大学にて、「田嶋インレリーフ」の開展とEarth Day を記念して、日本からおいでになる古儀茶道藪内流の片岡聡先生ご一行の茶会と出雲松蝶師匠の日本舞踊“花の舞”等、一連の盛大なイベントを盛り込んで、桜の木の植樹を予定しておりましたがCovid-19禍の為、行事の延期を余儀無くされてしまいました。まだ収束には至っておりませんが、UJSCと大学では、夏の名残を感じるこの時期に今年の植樹を決行する事に致しました。現況下では、学長並びに他のVIPも参列されてのフォーマルなセレモニーはできませんが、ご寄付に協力して下さった企業並びに個人の方々に感謝の意を込めてその旨ご報告したいと存じます。

Us & Japan Society of CT


Cherry Tree Planting at University of St. Joseph, West Hartford, CT


In April this year, we scheduled to plant cherry trees at Univ. of St. Joseph in celebration of
 big events that were “Tajima in Relief Exhibition” grand opening and Earth Day Festival.  We
invited Mr. Satoshi Kataoka, Kogisadou Yabunouchi Style tea master, and his group from Japan to hold Tea Ceremony gathering and Master Izumo Showchow to perform Japanese traditional dance “Cherry Blossom Dance” .  However the cherry tree planting event as well as such series of auspicious events were postponed due to the outbreak of Covid-19.  This pandemic is not resolved yet, but our organization and the university decided to plant trees embracing the summer remains as the trees were originally reserved for this spring.  We could not hold a formal ceremony with the presence of the president of the university and other dignitaries due to the current conditions, but we wanted to report and thank wholeheartedly to organizations and individuals that value our activities.
On October 12 at 8:30am, 4 weeping cherry trees were delivered to Facilities Garage at the campus in the drizzle.  Remaining 15 native cherries were delivered later from another supplier.  We plan to donate Yoshino and native trees all together 35 to 50 next year.
Next week, we will roll off  “Let’s Clean Our Parks & Streets Initiatives”, auxiliary to Sakura Manbon, cleaning Riverfront Park which covers Connecticut River trails as first step of our activities.  The second phase is planting bushes, flowers and cherry trees in consideration of people and nature friendly beautification of the Connecticut Riverside.
Last Saturday, some of us including Riverpoint  residents collected paper and plastic trashes and broken glasses and did weeding at underpass of and steps to the bridge.
When the town is clean and beautiful our heart becomes gentle, it also attracts business and creates jobs and the towns and streets become safe.
In such hope, we strive ourselves to improve local communities
Toshiko Uchino and members of
Us & Japan Society of CT

🌸 お知らせ 「丸一」に募金箱設置!🌸
Us & Japan Society of Connecticut の会員とお友達の皆様、


UJSC の3つの基幹活動の一つ、Ninja & Us を忍者さながら影のように支え続けて、支援受給者の方に食料を提供して下さった『丸一」Jappanese Food & Deli 様が、もう一つの基幹活動 ”Sakura Manbon - 桜万本も協力して下さることになりました。
”Sakura Manbon” すなわち桜の植樹運動は地域社会への貢献で、その延長線上に、” Let’s Clean Our Street!” という清掃運動も包括しております。 
来年は五十本を予定しております。持ち歩くとポケットや財布が膨らんで煩わしい釣り銭等の小銭の募金をお願いする為に、丸一」様のレジのカウンターとM’s Cafe のカウンターに募金箱を設置致しますので、皆様方のご協力をよろしくお願い致します。
Us & Japan Society of CT
(860) 290-9414 
Dear members and friends of Us & Japan Society of Connecticut,
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement for UJSC.
As you know “ Ninja & Us” has been one of our core activities.  
Maruichi Japanese Food & Deli has been a behind-the-Scenes Ninja, providing food to a needy recipient. Now Maruichi will support another of our core activities, Sakura Manbon. Sakura Manbon is our cherry tree planting project to enhance our local communities. This will eventually link to the  “Let’s Clean Our Street” initiative.
On April 30, we will decide how many cherry trees we can plant this year, and follow with 50 more next year. Donation Jars are in place at Maruichi for small pocket change.
Today, the whole Maruichi staff joined in a photo to show collective employee support for Sakura Manbon. This photo will be on our Home Page and Facebook.  Store owners Masa-san and Satoko-san, Store Manager and all employees offered warm words which touched my heart.  
We could use more donation jars.  If you have large jars, we can use them.
Thank you, in advance, for your support.
Toshiko uchino
Us & Japan Society of CT



🌸 お知らせ 「丸一」に募金箱設置!🌸
Us & Japan Society of Connecticut の会員とお友達の皆様、

UJSC の3つの基幹活動の一つ、 Ninja & Us を忍者さながら


た『丸一」Jappanese Food & Deli 様が、もう一つの基幹動 

”Sakura Manbon - 桜万本も協力して下さることになりました。









一昨年、イーストハートフォード市とグラストンベリー市にUs & Japan Society of Connecticut とGlastonbury International Club の合同企画として、提出しました『桜万本』は、桜の最適品種の分析並びに選択に時間を要しましたので、今年はしだれ桜二本をグラストンベリーリバーフロント公園に植樹致しました。



Us & Japan の Us が意味するものは、アメリカに住む我々だけではなく、世界中のみんなを包括した暖かい他者への思いやりです。


Sakura Manbon project that was proposed two years ago to towns of East Hartford and Glastonbury by Us & Japan Society of Connecticut and Glastonbury International Club as 

a joint effort took more time than we expected on analysis and selecting most suitable trees to Connecticut climate.  We have chosen two willow cherry trees this year and planted 

at Glastonbury Riverfront Park in spring.

First tree was for Corey who was an avid athlete and most of his youthful time was spent on the green movement planting trees in Australia. The fund was left with me from his mother in memory of her beloved son who passed away at the age of 22 from leukemia.  Her thought was shared by a person in Osaka, Japan and she joined in our activities and made a name plate for Corey with clay as she is a pottery artist.


Us in Us and Japan Society of Connecticut represents not only us in the United States but also empathy for others that encompasses everyone in the world.